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Telepathy -  Its Theory, Facts and Proof (e-knjiga - pdf)

Telepathy - Its Theory, Facts and Proof (e-knjiga - pdf)

Avtor: William Walker Atkinson


Cena z DDV: 4,20 €



ISBN:ISBN 978-961-6881-11-1 (pdf)
Zbirka:Kreativno mišljenje
Format:Ebook, pdf
Obseg:92 str.
Leto izdaje:2013


E-knjiga je v angleškem jeziku, pdf format

Opis vsebine:

The term “telepathy” is of quite recent origin. A few years ago it was not to be found in any of the standard dictionaries, and its use was confined to the small circle of investigators who were pursuing experiments in thoughttransference, and who regarded the Society for Psychical Research of England as their centre of influence.


At the present time, however, the word has passed into popular usage, is found in the current editions of the dictionaries and heard frequently on the streets. It was derived from the two Greek words, tele, meaning “afar,” and pathos meaning “feeling.” The term itself has been severely criticized as conveying a wrong impression, for thought-transference is not the same as “feeling”-transference. Some authorities have preferred the term “Telćsthesia,” which, freely translated, means “perception by the senses at a distance.”

The present writer has sought to introduce the term “Telementatian” which, freely  translated, means “mental action at a distance” and the said term has met with considerable favor among scientific investigators of the subject. But, in spite of the objections, the public clings to the original term, and “Telepathy” is generally used to designate the phenomena of thought-transference, or as the dictionaries
state it: “The action of one mind on another at a distance and without communication by means of the senses.”

Thought-transference is not a new thing in the thought of the world, although it may seem to the ordinary reader to be a recent discovery. Its beginning is lost in the haze of the history of the primitive peoples of the race. The ancient writings of India give us many instances of the effect of one mind upon another at a distance. And the occult legends of other ancient peoples give evidence that the belief in the effect of mind upon mind at a distance was quite common.



• Chapter 1: What is Telepathy..............................................................4
• Chapter 2: The Nature of the Problem..............................................14
• Chapter 3: Experimental Telepathy...................................................19
• Chapter 4: The English Experiments.................................................27
• Chapter 5: More English Experiments..............................................34
• Chapter 6: The Weltmer Experiment.................................................41
• Chapter 7: Results of the Weltmer Experiment.................................57
• Chapter 8: Results of the Weltmer Experiment (Continued)............68
• Chapter 9: The Theories....................................................................84


William Walker Atkinson (1862-1932) je avtor preko 100 knjig, ki jih je predvsem pod različnimi psevdonimi napisal v zadnjih 30 letih življenja. Prav zaradi pisanja pod raznimi psevdonimi je danes skoraj pozabljen. Med drugim je uporabljal naslednje psevdonime: Theron Q. Dumont, Magus Incognito, Theodore Sheldon, The Three Initiates, Swami Panchadasi, Swami Bhakta Vishita, Ramacharaca ... Ustanovil je Atkinson School of Mental Science in deloval v okviru gibanja Nove Misli.


Nekaj del, ki jih je William Walker Atkinson napisal kot William Walker (ali W. W.) Atkinson: The Art of Logical Thinking. 1909; Dynamic Thought or the Law of Vibrant Energy. 1906; How to Read Human Nature. c.1918; The Inner Consciousness: A Course of Lessons on the Inner Planes of the Mind, Intuition, Instinct, Automatic Mentation, and Other Wonderful Phases of Mental Phenomena. Chicago. 1908; Law of the New Thought: A Study of Fundamental Principles & Their Application. 1902; Mastery of Being: A Study of the Ultimate Principle of Reality & the Practical Application Thereof. 1911; ...


Vsa dela avtorja.


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Telepathy, telepatija, knjige v angleškem jeziku, eknjiga, pdf, Experimental Telepathy, William Walker Atkinson, Thought-transference, prenos misli, kreativno mišljenje, osebnostna rast, elektronske knjige

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