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The Chapman's blue butterfly and the secret garden
/.../ A little Chapman’s Blue butterfly flew over a green meadow. He was looking for a special plant. He wandered a long way around, but he did not find it. /.../
“There are not enough Sainfoins growing in our meadows, so the Chapman’s Blue butterflies are endangered. Even our little butterfly searched for it in vain. It wandered from flower to flower, from meadow to meadow. Then I noticed him. I brought him to this wonderful garden, which is secret and magical just because there are plants growing in it which we look for in vain elsewhere,” explained the ant to the snail.
Naslov izvirnika: Metulj Modrin in čarobni vrt
O AVTORJUJulia Doria je slovenska pisateljica, ilustratorka, oblikovalka in bibliotekarka. Profesionalno se ukvarja z ilustracijo, uredniškim delom, pisateljevanjem, oblikovanjem, ...
Po izobrazbi je dipl. oblikovalka vizualnih komunikacij, ilustratorka in univ. dipl. bibliotekarka. Pri založbi Atelje Doria opravlja delo likovne urednice.
Več o avtorici: >>> Julia Doria Vsa dela avtorja.
Ključne besede:chapman's blue, butterfly, secret garden, garden, picturebook, children's book, metulj, modrin, čarobni vrt, slikanice, knjige za otrokeMnenja (Število komentarjev: 0) Napišite mnenje
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Abeceda z žužki. Spoznavanje velikih in malih tiskanih črk slovenske abecede skozi igrivo opazovanje in prepoznavanje žuželk.To je prava knjiga o žuželkah za ljubitelje žužkov in bodoče bralce! Knjige » Otroške knjige - Beremo knjige za otroke & mladino » Slikanice za otroke » Slikanice - male tiskane črke
Modrin je letal preko zelenega travnika. Iskal je prav posebno rastlino. Taval je daleč naokoli, pa je ni našel. Knjige » Otroške knjige - Beremo knjige za otroke & mladino » Slikanice za otroke » Slikanice - male tiskane črke
The red deer and the hazelnuts
A little fawn lay in the tall, green grass. He was a red deer. He watched the clouds floating gently across the vast sky. Just then a squirrel hopped down from a nearby tree ... Knjige » Otroške knjige - Beremo knjige za otroke & mladino » Slikanice za otroke » Slikanice - male tiskane črke
Charming, colorful picture book, invites us into this wonderful season - autumn. Book for children, who are learning about seasons of the year.
A Floret that did not want to get wet
This is a tiny story about the big sunflower, which developed from a seedling into a large, sunny yellow flower. Knjige » Otroške knjige - Beremo knjige za otroke & mladino » Slikanice za otroke » Slikanice - male tiskane črke
Curious Albert the hazel dormouse
He did not want to just lean on flower petals, jump through forest strawberries, or tumble on blades of grass, as every hazel dormouse can. He wanted to go higher, high up into the blue sky. Up where the birds fly. Knjige » Otroške knjige - Beremo knjige za otroke & mladino » Slikanice za otroke » Slikanice - male tiskane črke
Knjižni komplet dvojezičnih slikanic o metulju, ki je iskal prav posebno cvetlico in jo tudi našel na čarobnem vrtu ... Knjige » Otroške knjige - Beremo knjige za otroke & mladino » Slikanice za otroke » Slikanice - male tiskane črke
Bzzzzzzzzzzzz … At sunrise, a loud buzzing approached. It was the buzzing bumblebee, a harmless flying fluffy creature.
When summer comes is picture book about summer and simple moments, that take place in the summer. Picture book, blue as the summer and the sea. Written and illustrated by Živa Viviana Doria. |