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The World of the Celts (Used Book - Rabljena knjiga)

The World of the Celts (Used Book - Rabljena knjiga)

Avtor: Simon James


Cena z DDV: 262,50 €



Vezava:Trda, vezana v platno & ščitni ovitek
Format:19,5 x 25 cm
Obseg:192 str.
Leto izdaje:1993


Used Book - Rabljena knjiga. Na zalogi 1 izvod. Knjiga je dobro ohranjena. - Thames & Hudson, New York, NY, 1993 (Knjiga je v angleškem jeziku)

Opis vsebine:

The World of the Celts




"The whole race ... is madly fond of war, high-spirited and quick to battle

... and on whatever pretext you stir them up, you will have them ready to face danger, even if they have nothing on their own side but their own strength and courage" - Strabo, first century BC.


Warlike, flamboyant, courageous - the ancient Celts had a fearsome reputation, even among the bellicose Romans. For 500 years they dominated the barbarian lands north of the Alps, before being largely absorbed into the Roman Empire. But Celtic culture survived and achieved a glorious flowering in the post-Roman, early Christian era.


Today Celtic influence can be found everywhere, in arts and crafts, in legends, in placenames and even in the languages we speak. In this new introduction to the world of the Celts, Simon James looks at all aspects of their history. Individual sections chart their rise, their way of life from farming to feasting, their wars, their gods, and their superb craftsmanship. Also highlighted are the hitherto neglected subject of Celtic life under Roman rule and persistent traditions that led to the Celtic renaissance in Ireland after AD 400.


Original features include the latest discoveries; extracts from classical authors; illustrated retellings of the most famous myths and legends; tables of comparative information; diagrams, maps and site plans.


The Celts once held sway over much of Europe, from Caledonia to Asia Minor. Here is the whole story of this immensely inventive and influential people.





Dr. Simon James is a Lecturer in prehistory and the Roman world for the British Museum's education department. His research interests include the archaeology of the Celtic Iron Age, the Roman Empire and Roman army, and he has participated in numerous excavations in Britain, Germany, France and Italy.


Teaching experience and work as an archaeological illustrator have led him to a particular interest in the popular communication of archaeology. In addition to specialist papers on subjects ranging from Roman and Persian armor to Anglo-Saxon buildings, he has written several children's books on Rome, and acted as consultant for television programs.

Vsa dela avtorja.


Ključne besede:

Celts, Kelti, renaissance, renesansa, arheologija, Archaeology, used books, rabljene knjige, stare civilizacije, stare kulture, angleški jezik, antikvariat, antikvarne knjige

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