Avtor - William Walker AtkinsonWilliam Walker Atkinson (1862-1932) je avtor preko 100 knjig, ki jih je predvsem pod različnimi psevdonimi napisal v zadnjih 30 letih življenja. Prav zaradi pisanja pod raznimi psevdonimi je danes skoraj pozabljen. Med drugim je uporabljal naslednje psevdonime: Theron Q. Dumont, Magus Incognito, Theodore Sheldon, The Three Initiates, Swami Panchadasi, Swami Bhakta Vishita, Ramacharaca ... Ustanovil je Atkinson School of Mental Science in deloval v okviru gibanja Nove Misli.
Nekaj del, ki jih je William Walker Atkinson napisal kot William Walker (ali W. W.) Atkinson: The Art of Logical Thinking. 1909; Dynamic Thought or the Law of Vibrant Energy. 1906; How to Read Human Nature. c.1918; The Inner Consciousness: A Course of Lessons on the Inner Planes of the Mind, Intuition, Instinct, Automatic Mentation, and Other Wonderful Phases of Mental Phenomena. Chicago. 1908; Law of the New Thought: A Study of Fundamental Principles & Their Application. 1902; Mastery of Being: A Study of the Ultimate Principle of Reality & the Practical Application Thereof. 1911; ...
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