Spletna trgovina Doria.si uporablja piškotke z namenom zagotavljanja spletnih storitev in funkcionalnosti, ki jih brez piškotkov ne bi mogli nuditi. Z obiskom in uporabo spletnega mesta soglašate s piškotki.
V redu Več o piškotkih nastavljenih na strani.
Hallerstein - prvič v angleškem jeziku, kjer je Slovenec Hallerstein z nemškim priimkom in titulo prvič z dokazi opredeljen kot Slovenec in prvič je s strani kitajskega znanstvenika potrjena istovetnost vodje cesarjevega astronomskega oddelka ...
Every folk tale hides a piece of truth. Maybe this truth is not alwas in the events of the story, but hidden in the morals, beliefs and in the way of life in ancient days.
Winter came to the land, bringing with it the smell of snow and the joys of winter. Christmas was approaching. A heap of junk lay quietly at the edge of the village.
The fable was, and still is, a notably memorable and concise way of presenting the moral lessons and laws, and truths, which we would seek by to live by ...