Spletna trgovina Doria.si uporablja piškotke z namenom zagotavljanja spletnih storitev in funkcionalnosti, ki jih brez piškotkov ne bi mogli nuditi. Z obiskom in uporabo spletnega mesta soglašate s piškotki.
V redu Več o piškotkih nastavljenih na strani.
Slikanica je v angleškem jeziku. Gosja kraljica je zgodba o poštenosti. Zgodba o popolnoma običajni gosi, ki je nekega meglenega dne našla zlato krono.
"Over nine mountains and across nine seas, there lived a bear, as brown as can be, who spent his days purring and guarding a big pot of honey. But this was no ordinary pot of honey. It was magical."
A little fawn lay in the tall, green grass. He was a red deer. He watched the clouds floating gently across the vast sky. Just then a squirrel hopped down from a nearby tree ...
Picture book, When spring comes, is an ode to this wonderful season. When spring comes is book for children, who are learning about the seasons of the year. Written and illustrated by Živa Viviana Doria.
Winter picture book, invites us into this wonderful season - winter. Book for children, who are learning about seasons of the year. When Winter Comes, short lyrical story, accompanied with delicate illustrations of winter joy is written and illustrated by
He did not want to just lean on flower petals, jump through forest strawberries, or tumble on blades of grass, as every hazel dormouse can. He wanted to go higher, high up into the blue sky. Up where the birds fly.
Knjižni komplet dveh slikanic: Ko pride poletje & When Summer Comes. V kompletu sta dve slikanici, Ko pride poletje v slovenskem jeziku in njena angleška izdaja When Summer Comes.
Knjižni komplet dveh slikanic: Ko pride pomlad & When Spring Comes. V kompletu sta dve slikanici, Ko pride pomlad v slovenskem jeziku in njena angleška izdaja When Spring Comes.
Knjižni komplet dveh slikanic: Ko pride zima & When winter comes. V kompletu sta dve slikanici, Ko pride zima v slovenskem jeziku in njena angleška izdaja When winter comes.
Dvojezični pravljični komplet - slovenska in angleška slikanica o psički, ki se je nadvse rada sprehajala po gozdu: Psička Pia in borovnice = Puppy Pia and the Blueberries ...
The year comes around, and Mrs. Autumn arrives in a little town on the edge of the hill. She is the third of four sisters. Mrs. Autumn never goes anywhere without her suitcase, with which she travels the whole world, ...
Where is Mrs. Winter? Will she be late this year? Her sister Autumn left the little town on the edge of the hill a long time ago. The Leaves have fallen from the trees, children are eagerly waiting for the first snow.
A little Chapman’s Blue butterfly flew over a green meadow. He was looking for a special plant. He wandered a long way around, but he did not find it ...