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Representative Men -  Seven Lectures (e-knjiga, ebook - pdf) Representative Men - Seven Lectures (e-knjiga, ebook - pdf)

Avtor: Ralph Waldo Emerson


It is natural to believe in great men. If the companions of our childhood should turn out to be heroes, and their condition regal, it would not surprise us. All mythology opens with demigods, and the circumstance is high and poetic; that is, their genius


Cena z DDV: 1,10 €

The Game of Life And How To Play It  (e-knjiga - pdf) The Game of Life And How To Play It (e-knjiga - pdf)

Avtor: Florence Scovel Shinn


Most people consider life a battle, but it is not a battle, it is a game. Whatever man feels deeply or images clearly, is impressed upon the subconscious mind, and carried out in minutest detail ...


Cena z DDV: 1,08 €

The Secret Door To Success (e-knjiga - pdf) The Secret Door To Success (e-knjiga - pdf)

Avtor: Florence Scovel Shinn


People all want to know how to open the secret door of success. For each man there is success, but it seems to be behind a door or wall ...


Cena z DDV: 1,08 €

Your Word Is Your Wand  (e-knjiga - pdf) Your Word Is Your Wand (e-knjiga - pdf)

Avtor: Florence Scovel Shinn


Man's word is his wand filled with magic and power!


Cena z DDV: 1,08 €

Nature (e-knjiga - pdf) Nature (e-knjiga - pdf)

Avtor: Ralph Waldo Emerson


All science has one aim, namely, to find a theory of nature. We have theories of races and of functions, but scarcely yet a remote approach to an idea of creation ...


Cena z DDV: 1,10 €

Practical Mind-Reading (e-knjiga - pdf) Practical Mind-Reading (e-knjiga - pdf)

Avtor: William Walker Atkinson


A Course of lessons on Thought-Transference, Telepathy, Mental-Currents, Mental Rapport, &c.


Cena z DDV: 4,20 €

Telepathy -  Its Theory, Facts and Proof (e-knjiga - pdf) Telepathy - Its Theory, Facts and Proof (e-knjiga - pdf)

Avtor: William Walker Atkinson


Thought-transference is not a new thing in the thought of the world, although it may seem to the ordinary reader to be a recent discovery. Its beginning is lost in the haze of the history of the primitive peoples of the race ...


Cena z DDV: 4,20 €

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