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Opis vsebine:Vincent Van Gogh - one of the great forerunners of 20th century painting
This richly illustrated and expert study follows the artist from the early gloom-laden paintings in which he captured the misery of peasants and workers in his homeland, through his bright and colourful Parisian period, to the work of his final years, spent under a southern sun in Arles. Here, at last, he found the light that produced the unmistakable van Gogh style. At Arles, Saint-Rémy and Auvers-sur-Oise, in the feverish burst of creative energy that marked his last two-and-a-half years, he produced the 465 paintings on which his immortality rests.
Van Gogh craved recognition during his lifetime but was denied it until after his self-inflicted death. Today he is universally seen as one of the great forerunners of painting of the 20th century, and one of the tragic masters of art.
Available in over 20 languages, TASCHEN's Basic Art series offers budget-minded readers quality books on the greatest artists of all time. The neat, slick format and nice price tag make Basic Art books perfect for collecting.
Every book in the Basic Art series features:
a detailed chronological summary of the artist's life and work, covering the cultural and historical importance of the artist
Ključne besede:1853, 1890, artists, Vincent Van Gogh, paintings, krajine, krajinski slikarji, impresionizem, impresionisti, impresije, slikarji, knjige v angleščini, umetnost, krajine, portreti, sončnice, slikarstvo, tihožitja, rumena barva, tragične osebnostiMnenja (Število komentarjev: 0) Napišite mnenje
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Izdelek še nima mnenj. Napišite prvo mnenje.
Oglejte si tudi:Knjige » Umetnost v sliki in besedi » Slikarstvo & likovni priročniki » O slikarstvu
V knjigi so zbrana predelana in dopolnjena besedila s poudarkom na slikarstvu, ki jih je avtor objavljal v različnih strokovnih časopisih in revijah. Knjige » Umetnost v sliki in besedi » Slikarstvo & likovni priročniki » O slikarstvu
Znani slovenski slikar in univerzitetni profesor nam podaja svoja razmišljanja o slikarstvu skozi osebno izkušnjo.
Knjiga je prikazuje van Goghovo življenje, osebni razvoj in ustvarjanje od prvih učnih let dalje ... Knjige » Umetnost v sliki in besedi » Estetika & o umetnosti
Avtor se v tej knjigi ukvarja s povezavo oziroma z vplivom psiholoških dejavnikov na vizualno umetnost. |