Opis vsebine:
The year comes around, and Mrs. Autumn arrives in a little town on the edge of the hill. She is the third of four sisters. Mrs. Autumn never goes anywhere without her suitcase, with which she travels the whole world, year after year. Nobody knows how she does it. By train? Perhaps on an aeroplane? Or on foot? The youngest eagerly believe she can fly.
Written and illustrated by Živa Viviana Doria. O AVTORJUŽiva Viviana Doria je univerzitetna diplomirana etnologinja, ilustratorka in pisateljica, ki svoj navdih najde v etnologiji, glasbi, naravi ter živalskem svetu.
Najraje upodablja antropomorfne živali in predmete ter ustvarja zgodbe o njihovem življenju.
V njenih avtorskih delih se prepletajo čar etnologije, ubesedena domišljija in pravljična ilustracija.
Živa Viviana Doria, ilustracija >>
Vsa dela avtorja.
Ključne besede:Mrs. Autumn, Gospa Jesen, avtorska slikanica, Živa Viviana Doria, letni časi, jesen, knjige za otroke,Mnenja (Število komentarjev: 0) Napišite mnenje
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Oglejte si tudi:
Avtorska slikanica Gospa Jesen je jesenska zgodba, o tretji od štirih sester, ki poskrbi, da so naša mesteca in vasi, odeti v jesen. Knjige » Otroške knjige - Beremo knjige za otroke & mladino » Slikanice za otroke » Slikanice - male tiskane črke
"Over nine mountains and across nine seas, there lived a bear, as brown as can be, who spent his days purring and guarding a big pot of honey. But this was no ordinary pot of honey. It was magical." Knjige » Otroške knjige - Beremo knjige za otroke & mladino » Slikanice za otroke » Slikanice - male tiskane črke
Charming, colorful picture book, invites us into this wonderful season - autumn. Book for children, who are learning about seasons of the year. Knjige » Otroške knjige - Beremo knjige za otroke & mladino » Mali poliglot
Winter picture book, invites us into this wonderful season - winter. Book for children, who are learning about seasons of the year. When Winter Comes, short lyrical story, accompanied with delicate illustrations of winter joy is written and illustrated by Knjige » V tujem jeziku » V angleškem jeziku
Where is Mrs. Winter? Will she be late this year? Her sister Autumn left the little town on the edge of the hill a long time ago. The Leaves have fallen from the trees, children are eagerly waiting for the first snow. Knjige » Otroške knjige - Beremo knjige za otroke & mladino » Slikanice za otroke » Slikanice - male tiskane črke
There, far into the ice-cold places, where the hot rays of the sun never shine, extends the land of the snowman ... Knjige » Otroške knjige - Beremo knjige za otroke & mladino » Slikanice za otroke » Slikanice - male tiskane črke
Poučna slikanica (v angleškem jeziku) prinaša zgodbico o taščici, prezimovanju in prijateljstvu med živalmi, ki si med seboj pomagajo v ostri zimi. |